Investigating undue delay on behalf of respondents: call for evidence

18 Jul 2019

Call for evidence on the experience of respondents in the Service complaints process and whether having access to the Ombudsman would have assisted them.


Call for evidence on the experience of respondents in the Service complaints process and whether having access to the Ombudsman would have assisted them.

In Annual Report 2017, the Ombudsman made a recommendation that the Ministry of Defence review the existing primary and secondary legislation to allow respondents in a Service complaint to ask the Ombudsman to investigate undue delay.

Since that time, there have been a number of improvements in the support and information provided to respondents.

The Ombudsman is now seeking further evidence to determine whether action still needs to be taken on this outstanding recommendation.

We invite individuals who have been a respondent in a Service complaint, or supported a respondent in a Service complaint, that has been handled in the reformed system (i.e. from 1 January 2016) to make submissions to the Ombudsman about:

  • The impact that delays in handling a Service complaint had on them
  • Whether they would have made an application to the Ombudsman to investigate undue delay had that option been open to them
  • How they believe having access to the Ombudsman could have assisted them

Submissions should be made in writing by Friday 18th October 2019 and should be sent to:

All submissions will be considered, however individual responses will not be provided.