Admissibility Review
An Admissibility Decision is a decision whether to accept or exclude a complaint from the Service Complaints system.
The Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces (SCOAF) has the power to review these decisions and make a final decision about whether the complaint should be accepted into the system.
Admissibility Decisions are made at the initial stage of the complaints process and also at the appeal stage.
SCOAF can review both types of Admissibility Decisions.
When can I make an application for a Review of an Admissibility Decision?
If a decision was made that your complaint or appeal was inadmissible and you think it was wrong, you can make an application to SCOAF to review the decision.
Applications must be made within 4 weeks and 2 days from the date the decision letter was emailed or posted to you. If your application is late, it may not be accepted.
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